What is a worship service like?
We worship God using a liturgical service. Using songs and responsive readings our service keeps the focus on the Word of God and on our Savior. Some elements repeat each week, while others change. The sermon is based on a portion of the Bible and you will hear the truth of God's love for all people proclaimed in the sermon, as well as practical applications for your everyday life. Our ushers will be sure to get you a worship folder that will include announcements, and has the entire service printed out so that it's easy to follow along. Come as you are. You'll see some people in dress clothes and others dressed casually. We are more interested in having you join us and worshiping Jesus with us than we are in what you wear. Please look under churches for service times, special events, and worship planning.
Meet the Pastors
Pastor Daniel Lewig and Pastor Conrad Prell
Our full-time pastor.
Our quarter-time co-pastor and visitation pastor.
Video Library
Check out sermon recordings, church memeber videos, and more. WANT TO WATCH A SERVICE LIVE? Head over to our facebook page Sundays morning at 10:15.