Bethlehem | Richland Center

Join us for Worship Every Sunday

Join us for worship and fellowship.

Service Time 10:15 am

25500 Rockbridge School St.

Richland Center WI, 53581


In Christ Alone My Hope is Found.

  • Who are we?

    We are an active growing young church here in the Richland Center area. We confess the Lutheran Faith and are rooted in God’s Word. We enjoy family and fellowship and welcome visitors to our church.

  • Church Family

    Our congregation comprises many members, and we focus on community outreach. We like to be in our community and host fun and rewarding events for all ages.

  • An Upcycled Approcah?

    We are located in Rockbridge in the former Rockbridge Elementary School. As we grew here in the Richland Center area, we knew we need a new faculty, but rather than a brand new build we want to take a community landmark and reinvent it.

We love our church!